About Us

Delivering a better way with technology solutions

Bringing new ideas and innovative solutions to improve day-to-day operations, Next Generation Technologies (NGT) helps customers to create and sustain success.

Understanding the challenges

With the accelerating pace of technological innovation comes widespread challenges for infrastructure managers.

We recognise that balancing daily service delivery with transitioning to new technologies isn’t easy. To help customers respond and leverage technical innovation to their competitive advantage, Downer has formed the NGT business which delivers state-of-the-art products and services for:

  • Smart Cities
  • ITS (Intelligent Transport Solutions)
  • Communications, Networks and Audio Visual
  • CCTV, Security and Access Control
  • Specialised Technology

Delivering today

We’re delivering solutions across the Asia-Pacific Region. Today, bus and rail travellers in the Australian Capital Territory and Western Australia commute across public transport networks with our smart ticketing solutions; our solar powered CCTV networks help local government authorities deliver safe and environmentally friendly solutions; and the new Smart Busport in Perth’s CBD is giving bus passengers a whole new travel experience while helping the Public Transport Authority of Western Australia transform Perth into one of Australia’s leading Smart Cities.


Core to NGT’s solutions is the Internet of Things (IoT) which brings together people, process, data and things.
Combined with the increasing power and automation of technological platforms, NGT’s solutions capture and enable the monitoring and processing of data to optimise the use and connection of digital technology and infrastructure.

NGT Offices

WA Office

9 Modal Crescent
Canning Vale WA 6155
T:  +61 8 9318 9403

QLD Office

135 Coronation Drive,
Milton QLD 4064
T:  +61 7 3564 5000